Integrative Medicine

- Holistic therapies for the various gynaecologic health problems and diseases
- Holistic oncological care
- Spiral dynamics-intelligent movement (physical agility and stability, “The appropriate amount at the right time in the right place”)
- Biographical advice
- Extended prenatal care including holistic therapies
- Help with breastfeeding problems, when infants have crying or regulatory disorder, bonding care, child carrying advice
- Familiy focused educational guidance
My therapeutic spectrum includes also anthroposophical medicine, acupuncture and homeopathy. For further kinds of integrative therapies I can refer you to other doctors or therapists – local, regional and interregional.
Comprehensive anamnesis, examination and therapeutic advice in the sense of integrative medicine takes time.
The costs for this are not covered by the statutory health insurance. Therefore these offers will be covered by you according to the german GOÄ (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte – doctors scale of fees). We will speak about this in advance and provide you with a treatment contract.